Government and Military
The Pentagon, Edwards Air Force Base, Naval Air Systems Command, Canadian House of Commons, Canadian Mounted Police, NIH, and many others have placed their trust in the Air-blown Fiber infrastructure to deliver the flexibility required to meet immediate network moves, upgrades, and changes for mission-critical reliability, security, and instantaneous disaster recovery without disruption to Operations.
Quickly meeting TSA mandates, easily upgrading security system requirements, reliably and quickly supporting CUTE systems, foregoing the need to predict changes in traffic and having complete control of network capacity and budget issues are some of the many reasons airports, such as McCarran-Las Vegas, Tulsa, Los Angeles, Dallas-Fort Worth, and Miami International Airports, have adopted Air Blown Fiber.
The NIH, Mayo Clinic, DuPage Hospital and others have resolved network challenges by having adopted Air Blown Fiber. Network upgrades or any moves, adds, or changes can now be done quickly - 24/7 - anywhere within and around the facility including clean rooms, and limited access areas without any disruption to the hospital and its activities.
Corporate Centers
Intel, Con Edison, Starbuck’s Coffee, Nissan, Devon Energy, San Francisco’s Embarcadero Center, the Washington DC Convention Center and many others enjoy quick and easy network upgrades with fiber on demand, fast project turnaround times, and real- time control over network capacity, planning, and budgeting…while saving significant costs future-proofing their networks against rapid obsolescence.
With Air Blown Fiber, manufacturing plants, refineries, utility and power facilities, such as ATOFINA Petrochemicals, Marathon Ashland Petroleum, Cessna , Nissan and more can quickly and easily add new equipment, expand the production floor, reroute the fiber pathways, and install fiber in secure and no-access areas with little or no network downtime.
To meet the needs of a growing student population that demand high-tech learning methods, such as internet research and distance learning, schools and universities, such as University of California-Berkley, University of Utah, University of Maryland, Johns Hopkins University and others found Air Blown Fiber to be the answer for developing their technologically advanced networks at the most effective cost.
Research Facilities
Sandia Labs, NIH, Fermilab, and others have adopted Air Blown Fiber for their ever- growing expansions and fiber reconfigurations, as they surge ahead in their efforts to solve physical, chemical, biological and technological challenges. High bandwidth, quick upgrades, total reliability, security and rapid disaster recovery are supported by the Air Blown Fiber infrastructure.